Thank you! Thank are such a gift and I can always count on you to help me move things forward...I know we are in far better shape because of your support...”

— Parent of an 8 and 11 year old

We are extremely lucky to have Maria Mishkind Villela on our team...okay, we are extremely lucky to have her as the leader of our team.”

— Foster Parent

Maria Mishkind is deeply committed to helping families work together and resolve challenges. She is compassionate, incredibly skilled, and pragmatic. She also works hard to help families find additional resources and support in the community. I have been very fortunate in being able to collaborate with her in helping families. Every interaction we had I came away with deeper understanding of how to help a family.

Individual therapist collaborating in my parent support work

I appreciate that Maria Mishkind is not focused on the past (though she names the ghosts in the room, and the unresolved issues), but on moving forward constructively with a PLAN. This hands on approach was extremely helpful at a time when I could not think past the minute to minute reality that was so overwhelming. I recommend her wholeheartedly.” 

bio/adoptive parent

My partner and I found Maria's assistance with the emotional struggles we had with our family dynamics invaluable.

She was a fierce advocate for us and our family and this gave us the opportunity to keep our focus on ourselves and our children.

— Parent


Maria is the only therapist I've ever trusted.” 

— Dad of three teenagers

I honestly don't know that we could be doing this without you.”

— Foster / adoptive parent

“You rock, Maria!

— Step-parent