
As a certified teacher and seasoned family therapist, I have the unique ability to work with teachers, school administrators and families to help address the needs of complex students.

My school consultation process is focused on addressing the identified needs of particular students with complicated social, emotional or learning-style presentations that are adversely impacting their school success. 

The overall approach I use for my school consultation is as follows:

  1. Brief interview of teachers and family to identify the specific areas of concern
  2. School site observation(s) that are discreet and non-impactful on the student
  3. Post observation debrief for school staff, as needed.
  4. Conduct a school and family meeting where I describe my observation(s) in detail  and I provide goals and strategies to address the students' individualized needs
  5. I remain accessible to school staff and the family to continue my consultation, re-observe at a later date and/or modify the treatment strategies.

Areas of school-based concern that I am adept in consulting on are:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Attention Deficit Disorder 
  • Depression 
  • Emotional Disregulation
  • Learning Disabilities 
  • Selective Mutism
  • Social Anxiety
  • Home-School communication 

Contact me today to learn more about my strategies, and let's begin!